Commitment Beyond the Skin

At Piel Canela, we are proud to celebrate an important milestone in our history: 25 years of dedication to the "Art of Giving" and the creation of products that provide "the Luxury of Receiving." During this time, we have witnessed the evolution of the brand, the passion of our team and the gratitude of our customers. In this blog, we want to honor the entire Piel Canela Team, whose dedication has been fundamental to our success. Join us on this journey and discover how we have left our mark on the world of leather goods!

Cinnamon Leather Mirror Wallet

The foundations of Piel Canela.

25 years ago, a businesswoman María Landa, with the intention of preserving the craft of leather goods and helping artisans, founded Piel Canela. From the beginning, the purpose has been to create high quality products, they are Mexican crafts with a distinctive touch and an unwavering commitment to functionality and good taste. Each member of the team, from the artisans to the sales staff, has been an integral part of this journey and has contributed to the consolidation of the Piel Canela brand.

The passion for excellence.

Passion for excellence drives our team to constantly exceed standards. Each Piel Canela product is the result of a meticulous process, from the selection of the best materials through meticulous attention to detail during manufacturing, to a spirit of service towards each of our clients. Our team takes pride in their work and is committed to offering products that are true works of art, and that make a difference as business and personal gifts , for every occasion.

Innovation and creativity.

At Piel Canela, innovation and creativity are the basis of our approach. Over the years, we have constantly looked for new ways to surprise our customers and stay at the forefront of fashion trends. Our design team works hard to create unique and timeless pieces that reflect the style and elegance that characterizes us.

Customer satisfaction as a priority.

From day one, customer satisfaction has been our priority. We take pride in providing exceptional service and ensuring that every customer feels special when receiving one of our Piel Canela business or personal gifts . Our customer service team strives to exceed expectations and ensure every experience is memorable.

Cinnamon Leather Mirror Wallet

The legacy of Piel Canela.

Throughout these 25 years, we have left a lasting legacy in the leather goods industry, with products that we know have remained with the people who have received them for years, remembering whoever gave them to them and generating a brand presence. beyond an event or experience. Our products are appreciated for their quality, style and attention to detail. Each Piel Canela item becomes a unique and timeless piece that lasts over time and becomes a symbol of elegance and distinction.

Looking to the future

Commemorating our 25 years is not only a celebration of the past, but also a look toward the future. At Piel Canela, we remain committed to excellence and innovation. We are excited for what is to come in the coming years and strive to exceed our own expectations.

Our research and development team is constantly working on exploring new materials and sustainable manufacturing techniques. We are proud to say that we are also committed to social and environmental responsibility. We look for ways to reduce our impact on the planet and contribute positively to the communities we operate with, creating leather goods and sustainable materials such as cactus skin and bio-leathers.

Additionally, we recognize the importance of collaboration and strategic alliances. We have worked with artists and are open to working with talented designers to create unique and exciting collaborations that expand our horizons and provide our clients with even more exclusive experiences.

In conclusion, 25 years of "The Art of Giving, the Luxury of Receiving" are just the beginning of our story. We thank our dedicated team, our loyal customers and all those who have been part of this journey. We hope to continue creating special moments and extraordinary products that last over time and bring joy, elegance and memorable memories to people's lives. Here at Piel Canela, the future is bright and exciting!

At Piel Canela you will always find the ideal detail to give as a gift, from business and personal gifts , you will also have the opportunity to personalize it and make it tailored to your needs.

Visit our physical points of sale and online store to see our extensive catalog and purchase any of our products. If you require advice or request personalized orders, dial (55) 5533 1030 and (55) 5533 1013, send us a message to our WhatsApp (55) 6449 4487 or an email to or fill out our form https: // and we will contact you.

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